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How to Build Self Confidence

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How to Build Self Confidence

How to Build Self Confidence

Self-confidence is an essential part of humanity. A person with self-confidence generally likes themselves and is willing to take risks to achieve their personal, professional, and emotional goals and can think good of the future.

Lack of self-confidence can result in less achievement of goals and create a negative perspective about life. The good thing is that self-confidence is something you can improve.

Building Self-confidence requires you to cultivate a good attitude about yourself and your social interactions, while also learning to deal with any negative emotions that arise alongside practicing self-care.

However, more tips about self-confidence and behavior will be reviewed below.

Self Confidence Behavior Behavior Associated With Self Confidence
·         Doing what you believe to be right even if others mock or criticize you for it. ·         Governing your behavior based on what other people think.
·         Being willing to take risks and to go the extra mile to achieve good things. ·         Low self-esteem people stay in their comfort zone and fear failure and then avoid risk.
·         Owning up to your mistakes and learning from them.
·         Waiting patiently for others to congratulate you on your achievement. ·         Extolling your own virtues as often as possible to many people as possible.
·         Receiving compliments graciously “Thanks” I really worked hard on that prospectus. I’m pleased you recognized my efforts. ·         Discharging compliments offhandedly “Oh that prospectus was nothing, really anyone could have done it.”


As these examples show, low self-confidence can be self-destructive and may manifest itself as negativity. Self-confident people are generally more positive; they value themselves and trust their judgment. Recognize their failures and mistakes and learn from them.

Self-confidence is important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet many people struggle to find it. Always look at anyone you know that is highly self-confident and observe what characteristics they do have that makes you think or believe they are self-confident then you would notice that one of these characteristics they likely possess one or more of these;

  • The way they speak (Tone) i.e. how they project their voice or polite words.
  • Their energy and enthusiasm
  • How professional and knowledgeable they are about something.

You can show self-confidence in your behavior, body language, what you say or what you do, and how you say it. When you feel anxious during meetings, for example, we tend to make ourselves little by slouching, hunching our shoulders, and bowing our heads.

How to Build Self Confidence

Although, simply sitting up straight can make you feel less stressed and more assertive if you are presenting, spreading your hands apart with palms slightly towards your audience shows openness and willingness to share ideas.

People with low self-confidence often find it difficult to make a good first impression. Communicating with people is important, so maintain an eye to eye contact while you talk.

This shows that you are interested in what the other person is saying and that you’re taking an active part in the conversation. DO not fidget or look away while the interaction continues, as this can make you appear distracted or anxious.

Although self-confidence can mean different things to different people, in reality, it simply means having faith in you. Self-confidence is not a static measure. Our confidence to perform roles and tasks and deal with situations can increase and decrease and some days we may feel more confident than others.

How to Build Self Confidence

Low self-confidence can be a result of many factors including fear of criticism, self-esteem, poor time management and lack of knowledge or exposure, and previous failures.

However, thinking like this can prevent you from doing things you want or need to do because you believe that the consequences are too painful or embarrassing.

Over self-confidence can be a problem if it makes you believe that you can do anything even if you don’t have the necessary skills, abilities, and knowledge to do it well. However, over self-confidence can lead to failure. Being over self-confident also means you are more likely to come across to other people as arrogant and egotistical. People are much likely to take pleasure in your failure if you are perceived as arrogant.

How to Build Self Confidence

Notwithstanding, in everyday conversation, self-confidence is often confused with self-esteem and it overlaps with the less well-known term ‘Self Efficacy’.  However, psychology gives each of these terms a specific definition. It is helpful; to distinguish among the three;

  • Self Efficacy:

Interestingly, This term is defined by Albert Band Ura, a Canadian psychologist, refers to your belief in your ability to accomplish specific tasks. For example, if you believe that you’re capable of cooking dinner or completing a project, this is reflective of high self-efficacy. Often people with low self-efficacy put less effort into a task if they don’t believe they will succeed at it. Increasing the likelihood of failure.

How to Build Self Confidence

Self-confidence in contrast, according to Dr. Bandura, Is more of a general view of how likely you are to accomplish a goal, especially based on your past experience. When you practice playing piano you increase your self-confidence in your ability to play the piano.

However, Self-confidence and self-efficacy are both rooted in experience but self-confidence reflects a broader view of yourself rather than your confidence in specific tasks.

  • Self Esteem: This is often confused with self-confidence and it’s perhaps least similar to it. Self-esteem refers to a belief in your overall worth. Statements like “I am a good person fall into this category. Self-esteem is one of the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs improvement to self-confidence can contribute to your broader self-esteem.

Self-confidence is of three types:

  • Self Centered Confidence:

This level of self-praise is a bit nauseating for everyone around that person and is a result of self-obsession. Basically, the world revolves around this person, so when things are going well.

They are cocky and when things are going their way. They are secretly insecure. This type of confidence is unwarranted because it assumes “I’m better than you” for no reason.

  • Perfection Seeking Confidence:

This type of confidence can be called perfection-seeking confidence. The thought here is that if the person performs in all of these areas, then he/she will be confident.

  • Faith-filled Self Confidence:

This type of confidence is the ultimate kind of confidence. It is not dependent on external circumstances, but an underlying faith that tomorrow can be better than today through hard work and grit.

This type of confidence brings peace in understanding that you might not have it all together today, but you trust that you have the values to get there. It’s not focused on yourself but a belief that whether through friends, family, God, or the goodness of life, everything will eventually be alright.


Present yourself With Self Confidence and Face Face Contact: There are different ways to build self-confidence and they are as follows;

  • Be Nice To Yourself and Don’t Compare Yourself:

Those little voices that tell you, you are killing it (or not) is way more powerful than you might think, make an effort to be kind to yourself and if you do slip off, try to challenge any negative thought.

A good rule of thumb is to speak to yourself in the same way that you speak to your mates. This can be really hard at first, but practice makes perfect. Comparing yourself to other people is a sure-fire way to start feeling crummy.

Try to focus on your own goals and achievements, rather than measuring them against someone else’s. Nobody needs that kind of pressure.

How to Build Self Confidence

  • Review Past Achievements:

Self-confidence will increase when you’re able to say, I can do this, and here’s the evidence as part of your personal SWOT analysis, you will have identified things that you’re good at based on past achievements and experience.

List the things that you are most proud of in an achievement log. Then use them to make positive affirmations about you can help. These statements are particularly powerful if you tend to undermine your confidence with negative self-talk.

  • Set Confidence Boosting Goals:

Setting confidence-boosting goals and seeing how far you’ve come are key ways to develop self-confidence. Use your personal analysis to set goals that play to your strengths, minimize your weaknesses and take advantage of your opportunities.

When you’ve identified the major goals you want to achieve, clarify the first steps you need to take. Make sure that they are small steps, taking no longer than an hour to do.

This will get the ball rolling and improve your self-confidence through the achievement of appropriate goals.


Self-confidence is an intentional display of your skills and abilities. It shows that you trust and accept yourself, in such a way signifies that you possess a sense of control in your daily life activities. You are fully knowledgeable about your strengths and your weakness, always have a positive mindset about yourself. individuals with low self-confidence repeatedly have a high rate of errors in their thinking or mental activities.

Would You Love To Know How To Build Self Confidence As A Business Owner, As A Student And As a Worker, You can access them by clicking on the links below?

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  1. Pingback: How to Build Self Confidence as a Student - ArenaHub

  2. Avatar of Amarachi


    November 26, 2021 at 7:08 pm

    Nice one

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